Running Aether:

Aether can be started from the command line or a desktop launcher. Options can also be set in ~/.config/sdr/aether/aether.cfg. For a complete list of options type "aether --help".

Command line arguments are described in detail here.

Configuration file parameters are described in detail here.

The Main Control Bar

The Control bar is in the upper left corner of Aether, to the immediate right of the logo:

The control bar once aether has been started:

The control bar after aether has connected to Athena:

Aether will do a discovery cycle for Athena (or any
protocol 2 Radio) when the 'Power' button is clicked.

The box to the right of the 'Exit' button shows the MAC address of the interface handling the connection.

Clicking 'Power' (now red) will cause Aether to be disconnected.

Clicking 'Exit' will close all active Hemeras, and then close Aether.

The Hemera Launcher Buttons

The center section contains a block of 80 ddc launch buttons, one for each possible ddc.

Clicking one of these buttons will launch the corresponding ddc, ie. Hemera.
For example, clicking 'Ddc 1' will launch Hemera instance #1.
Clicking an active button will close the corresponding Hemera.

The 'Edit Options' and 'Edit Configuration' Buttons

After editing, you can select another Ddc for editing, or exit edit mode by clicking the 'Edit' button. At this point all of the active Ddcs will again be highlighted. You can click the 'Save Configuration' button to save your changes if desired.

The 'Collapse All Hemeras' Button

The 'Collapse All Hemeras' bull the active Hemeras.

The 'Verbose' Button

The 'Verbose' button toggles verbose diagnostics on stderr.

The 'Load Configuration' and 'Save Configuration' Buttons

The 'Load Configuration' button will popup a file chooser allowing you to load a new confuguration.

The 'Save Configuration' button will popup a file chooser allowing you to backup the current settings.

Diagnostics Output Box

Diagnostic messages are displayed here.