Running Athena:

Athena can be started from the command line or a desktop launcher. Options can also be set in ~/.config/sdr/athena/athena.cfg. For a complete list of options type "athena --help".

Command line arguments are described in detail here.

Configuration file parameters are described in detail here.

The Main Control Bar

The Control bar is in the upper left corner of Athena, to the immediate right of the logo:

The control bar when running in '--aether' mode:

Aether can be started by clicking the 'Start Aether' button. Aether can also be started from a shell or Desktop Launcher.

The control bar when running in '--thetis' mode:

Thetis CANNOT be started by Athena, as Thetis is a Windows program, and must be started on the Windows box:

The control bar after Aether has been started:

Aether can be stopped by clicking the 'Stop Aether' button. Connection is initiated from Aether.

The Thetis 'Power' button (on the windows box):

Clicking it should start a 'Discovery' cycle, resulting in a connection to Athena.

The control bar after Aether has connected:

Clicking 'Disconnect' will disconnect Aether and return to the previous (ie. 'Stop Aether') control state.

The control bar after Thetis has connected:

Clicking 'Disconnect' cause Thetis to be disconnected, and return to the first (ie. 'Thetis Mode') control state.

The box to the right of the 'Disconnect' button shows the IP address and IP port of the connecting client.

The boxes along the top of the Control Bar are informational:

The ADC Control Bar(s)

There is one control bar for each physical ADC in the hardware:

The top row of buttons controls the receive attenuators.

The bottom row of buttons controls ADC chip and board features:

The 'Setup and Configuration' button

Clicking the 'Setup and Configuration' button displays this window:

The 'Block Drive Level Commands' and 'Block Transmit Frequency Commands' Buttons

The 'Block Drive Level Commands' button will cause drive level commands from a client to be ignored. The drive level can still be set with Athena's 'Main Amp Power' or 'Main Amp Drive Level' sliders.

The 'Block Transmit Frequency Commands' button will cause transmit frequency commands from a client to be ignored. The transmit frequency can still be set with the transmit frequency dial.

The 'DAC Analysis' button

Clicking the 'DAC Analysis' button displays this window:

Details for using the 'DAC Analysis and Test' feature are here.

Transmitter Control

The transmitter control section is in the upper right corner of Athena:

The 'Transmit Power Limits' button will show a panel:

The 'Power Drive Tables' button will show a panel:

The 'Load File' buttons will popup a file chooser allowing you to load a new set of drive levels.
The information bar just below this button shows:

If the current output is limited by one of the 3 drive level limits the specifics are shown in the bar
below the slider. Note that these sliders are informational ONLY, ie. you cannot control levels with them.

The 'Build Drive Tables' button will popup a window:

This window is used to build new level tables. Its use is rather complex and is described here.

When MOX is inactive it should look something like:

Note that the 'Main amp/Preamp Drive Level' is the lesser of drive, preamp and power limits.

When MOX is active it should something like:

The 'Transmit Power Limits' panel will look something like:

There are 3 power limit sliders:

Note the the hardware drive level is always the minimum defined by the appropriate combination of the above limits, ie. the maximum hardware drive limit is:

When an output is not available (not present/not powered) it's main slider is dark grey.

When an output is available (present/powered) but not driven (MOX inactive) it's main slider is light grey.

When an output is available (present and powered) and MOX is active, it's main slider changes color according to the percent of maximum drive:

Obviously, most of the above is theoretical,
as we don't have to ability to control any of this yet!

Diagnostics Output Boxen